It was already time to do this post! It has been less than a year since we started TravelB4Settle and have been traveling the world. However, it looks like we have been hearing people for ages telling us the most peculiar things and questions about our lifestyle, our money, our new job, and so on… But do you think it is just us? Of course not!

Over the past year, we met several bloggers who suffer the same! But, this time, we didn’t have to leave our home and travel the world… Do you know why? Because we grouped with 13 other Portuguese Bloggers and shared all the phrases and questions that each of us hear the most!

”I can’t travel as much as you, because I’m not rich as you are’’; ‘‘I don’t have as much vacations as you do’’; ‘’You are so lucky’’… Is that so?! We all have the same time, the same luck, and probably less money than the average person! So maybe we just decided our desire to travel the world is bigger than any obstacle on the way. And then we set our priorities in that direction!

Now, it’s time to demystify all of this, and share with you our answers and what we think about these questions and comments! Have you been saying/asking any of these?! Find out what we would answer you!


Let’s start with the phrase we chose as the most heard since we left everything behind and started traveling and working online:

”I wish I could do the same as you, you are so lucky!”

We believe that regret is the biggest poison and we live to avoid the popular ‘midlife crisis’. Basically, we think there is time for everything and, as our name says, we do want to settle one day, have children, and all that! But before, we want to explore the world and live experiences we would never do without traveling!

We knew we wanted much more than 2 or 3 weeks of travel per year, so we needed a different path! When we found there is a huge community of people traveling the world while working online we knew we had found our way! If it is easy? Of course not! Being away from the family, ignoring a higher education paid by our parents and the stability of a job is not easy! But who said that following a dream was going to be easy?!

We have created TravelB4Settle not only to motivate travelers, but also to show that the luck of traveling full time does not exist, it is built!

travelb4settle, travel, bloggers

Nunca Páras Quieta

The 4 members of the blog ”Nunca Páras Quieta”, a Mónica, a Soraia, a Cláudia and Catarina, conclude: most of the time people think that these passionate about travel have won the lotary! If not, how could they travel so much!? 😂

”Have you won the Lotary?”

When people ask us this, our first reaction is laughing! The second is laughing even louder!

None of us are rich – far from it! So, our secret, was to learn to save, cut here and there and buy only what is really necessary (Ok… we are 4 girls, we also have our guilty pleasures!!). But we managed to travel in the most cost-effective and cheapest way. We look for the cheapest trips, we share room if it is necessary and, regarding to food, we are experts in finding the best deals in the supermarket! Cheers to the baguette! 😂

Nowadays, only don’t travel those who don’t what to, it’s all about choices!

Ps: #thepooralsotravels 😂

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Um dia Vamos

Raquel and Pedro from the Blog ”Um dia Vamos” with only 22 days of vacations, like the big majority of the people, (who don’t work online of course 😂), explain how they do to ‘stretch’ their vacations time!

”You must have more than 22 days of vacations!”

Let’s demystify this phenomenon that scandalizes and leads people to think we do ‘voodoo’ with the holidays. Unfortunately no, we do not have more than 22 days (crying face 😭).

However, our last trip lasted 22 days and we still have 7 days of vacation left. Is it black magic?! Nop, my friends, travel days also count on weekends and holidays. In fact, this time we did not optimize much because we used 15 days, but we already did a 12 day trip with only 6 days of vacations!

The secret to take maximum advantage is to use EVERY day at our disposal. Simple 😉

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Let’s Run Away

João and Marina of the Blog ”Let’s Run Away” wanted to clarify all those who think their travels will end when it’s time to have children! Exactly the opposite… They will share every moment of traveling with the Let’s Run Away Juniors!

”Enjoy now because once you have children, the good life is over!”

We are afraid of causing heart attacks in some people, but we have to say that we do not plan to stop traveling when we have children! With so much to show them away from home, why should we deprive them?

We have both been fortunate enough to travel since kids, and it doesn’t seem like we have suffered from it (quite the opposite). There is, of course, the economic part. It will be more expensive to travel and, later, adapting to school holidays. We will also have to adapt our travels to their age, but we will ensure to show them the world. Always!

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travelb4settle, travel, bloggers

The Blondie Traveler

Rute, from ”The Blondie Traveler” Blog, knows how much work it takes to have a blog and share all the travel moments with all her followers! And, that’s why she doesn’t want to let anyone think that being a Blogger is easy, because (as we well know) it is not! Rute certainly has a good life, but because she struggles every day for it!

”There are great lives!”

This is the phrase that, in an ironic tone, I hear so much! Normally I answer … ”Each one chooses yours!” I understand that anyone who are on these travel lifestyle release the curiosity of a lot of people, but it is incredible how many people are still only focus on envy and criticize, instead of empowering or inspiring! Behind a traveler or a travel blogger is a normal person, who works hard to achieve what he/she has, who makes choices and sets priorities!

If a few years ago I was happy to buy a pair of expensive boots or a bag, nowadays I value a thousand times more experience and living the unknown. The money is no longer to buy things that do not make me happy! There are great lives, it is true, but do not forget that behind those who travel is a set of sacrifices and choices!

I’m not a guru, but I think the formula is simple: if you are not happy with your life, try to change something! And I am happy to travel, to share and to inspire!

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Onde andam os Duarte?

The Duarte family, from the Blog ”Onde andam os Duarte?”, composed by the father Antonio, the mother Samanta and the 3 years old Andrezinho, also hear the question about money many times! Would it be because they have an extra member in every trip? No, it’s because Samanta works at the airport! Free tickets, right? That is what many people think and Samanta demystifies it!

”But don’t you work? Oh yeh, you work at the airport they offer plane tickets!”

We have the same vacation time that most Portuguese have: 22 working days a year. We do not have any discounts on trips, even though one of us works at the airport (it’s a shame, really). Still, be amazed: we belong to the ‘Mileurista’ (1000€) generation and one of us not even that! Because we opted to work less hours a week to be more present in Andre’s life. Imagine! 😊

In order to be happy, some people need to buy motorbikes, houses, expensive clothes and high-end mobile phones, everything and everything. It’s just a life choice. Taking children to travel, or leaving their comfort zone, brings a number of benefits to their development. We refute the idea that “they will not remember anything”, showing that the memories and the advantages lie far beyond the pleasure of the family being all together, and go up to the cognitive development of our mini-travelers.

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Plano (V)ida

The traveling twins, Ana and Lena, from the Blog ”Plano (V)ida” also had something to say! It’s because their Life (Vida) Plan has costs and they have a life to live! So how do they do it? Find out!

”How do you have money for so many trips?”

Regarding what we are told about our Life plan… Have you ever stopped to think of all those ‘famous’ phrases you have heard about this traveling thing? All those typical phrases only referred by someone who does not even understand this addiction?! Well, we have!

No, our salary does not stretch.!No, we did not give up our social lifeEvery month we try to put some money on the side. Whatever happens, the piggy bank has to fill up, so it can provide us with the fulfillment of our greatest dream: Exploring the world! The first step is in the decision to save. Saving is for travel like diets is for the summer. It is indispensable!

travelb4settle, travel, bloggers


Speaking of money (again), Sandra from the ”Tripper” Blog demystifies a big question, one that we also hear many times! Because, just like we did, Sandra saw the potential of being a ”Digital Nomad” , and now she works online, gets money from the blog and can work from wherever she wants! So, Sandra, does a blog make money? How?!

”But… how do you make money with a blog?”

I had left a corporate job in another area, in complete burnout. The blog started as an online writing portfolio (and still is) because I wanted to write professionally but had to ‘show some work’.

“Oh so you started the blog and then they found you?” No. I learned more skills in the last 4 years alone, than in trainings all those years at that company. SEO (learning to write content online for people to find us) is the one I value the most!

It is through the blog that I find work and “make money”. There are no miracles! There is work and learning put eggs in different baskets!

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Por aí com Amor e Contigo

For those who do not know, Teresa and João, from the Blog ”Por aí com Amor e Contigo”, have a great new! Well, there is now even more love between the couple, an unconditional love! A baby 🙂 They have already shared this good news 2 months ago and, since then, they have heard a comment quite often! You see, there are those who think that now, that Teresa is pregnant, the travels have come to an end! Is that so??

”Now that you’re pregnant, travel is over.”

I’ve been hearing this for two months now, since I started telling people I was going to be a mother again! I do not know who was the enlightened one that spread the idea that pregnancy (a normal and risk-free pregnancy, of course) is an obstacle to travel.

Actually, if I say I’m going camping, I’m crazy, if I say I’m going to Asia, I have to be hospitalized! There is extra cares to be taken, right! Fortunately, I am a person who likes to be informed and I still know how to take care of me and those around me! I’ve missed so many opportunities in life, that it’s time to not let them escape anymore! Even being pregnant! 😊

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

O Mundo em Duas Mochilas

Marco and Ana from ”O Mundo em Duas Mochilas” still have their blog under construction and already feel that their trips with their backpacks confuse some people! Are they always on vacation??

”But… Are you always on vacation?”

This looks like one of those “tricky” questions. If they ask us out of curiosity, the secret is in planning, for example, are you imagining planning a wedding? This is even easier!

Every year, is about grabbing the calendar and look for all possible and imaginary opportunities to enjoy holidays and weekends, to enhance the vacation days we already have. If we are asked for fun, we can always say that we have a Social Security subsidy that pays us for 5 years, with the obligation to travel as much as we can😊

travelb4settle, travel, bloggers

Sempre entre viagens

Inês, from the Blog ”Sempre entre Viagens”, also doesn’t understand the fact that people are always surprised to see her! It may not seem like it, but this adventurer, that has already visited 48 countries, only has 22 days of vacation like everyone else! And then what, it is possible or not?!

”So, are you around today?”

I live in Vila Praia de Âncora, a small village where people cross all the time and despite being out on the road for a maximum of 10 weekends a year, it’s unbelievable how many people I meet on the street, in the other 42 weekends, find it very surprising I am not “out of town” 🙂

Unfortunately, I only have the same 22 working days of vacation as the rest of the world…

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Wandering Life

Kate, from ”Wandering Life” Blog, was another Blogger who believed in her project and dedicated herself to it full-time! Congratulations Kate! 🙂 But then, how does she makes money?! Find out from Kate’s own words! Ah… It’s important to say that Kate is a mother and she did it! What are you waiting for?! The ways to work online are endless!

”But… Don’t you work?”

Yes I do! Nowadays there are many different ways of working, as well as being in an office from Monday to Friday from 9am to late hours. I write about travel, on my schedule, at my house or at the cafe, where I go often, and anywhere in the world I am in.

And, writing about the travels I do, involves researching, visiting, photographing, filming, and finally put the words on paper. But of course this is not enough, after all what interests to write if nobody reads?! So you need to know how Google works, how we can appear in the first search results, how we have to publish in different social networks, or at what (best) time and which hashtags to use on Instagram.

And yes, it is possible to live from this. Having a blog does not give you money, but with the influence you won, you can.

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

Gato Vadio

Ana and Ricardo, from the Blog ”Gato Vadio”, have the big disadvantage of one of them working on Saturdays. However, still so many people envy their life as a traveler, or stray cats (Gato Vadios)! Why? Because they wanted it and they did it!

”Again?? I wanted to have your life!”

Yes, again! We have 365 days a year and, although we are limited because one of us is self-employed and works on Saturdays, and is completely irreplaceable at work, we try to enjoy every Sunday and holidays and prefer the low season to enlarge our horizons.

It is not easy for the self-employed to stop working and, of course, to give up on earning. But we have come to the conclusion that traveling enriches us even more! Our ”life” is at everyone’s reach… All you need is a good financial management, an annual plan well organized and planned in advance!

travelb4settle, travel, bloggers

Destinos Vividos

Marina and Axel are the last ones, but not the least, because their ‘’Destinos Vividos’’ Blog is so beautiful and with so much good content that we couldn’t believe this was not a full-time job!

”Always in the good life!”

It seems that because we like to travel we are ”always in the good life”, when, in reality, we have a job (like everyone), we have only 22 days of vacation (like the vast majority), and we still have another job, our Blog. Those who really know us, know that we are constantly working, our brains don’t stop. In the middle of our 40h (or 60 hours a week), we still have to work when we get home because our job is not one that we can just disconnect. Still, in “free time”, we research and plan trips, write and edit articles, and manage and publish on social networks. And when we travel and explore, we are already thinking about future articles and publications. We can not stop, but we love every second, so maybe it’s true, we do have a Good Life!

travel, bloggers, travelb4settle

As you can see, some sentences are similar because topics such as money are a great and popular ‘excuse’ that people tell us! These are not only the 14 sentences the Travel Bloggers must hear, but they are also representative of the obstacles the vast majority believe in having on the way to fulfill their biggest dreams, of traveling and exploring the world.

It did not stop them or us, so it must not stop you either! If you have a dream, whether it’s traveling more often or traveling all the time, go ahead and fight for it. You will make it work!

If on the other hand, you’re already making it happen and you’re also a travel blogger, tell us what phrase you hear most and what you used (or you wish) answer to!

We hope you have enjoyed this post and got to know 13 other Portuguese bloggers that we loved to meet!

Useful links for your next trip!

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14 Travel Quotes by popular Travel Bloggers

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Oceanic Yoga

    Its a great way to post blog i feel comfortable to read and fine some new idea by your blog . thank you so much for share such kind of post.

  2. sunder

    It’s really good Travel Quotes

  3. Arjun

    I saw ur Post it was so good and useful to travel…

  4. Arjun

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  5. sophia

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  6. Mithali

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  7. بكجات سفر

    One of the best articles I have read. I hope to continue the same pattern

  8. Jaseph


    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful blog post on phrases for travel bloggers! Your insights and tips are incredibly helpful, and they truly resonate with anyone passionate about travel writing.

    I appreciate the effort you put into sharing your knowledge. It’s inspiring to see how you connect with your audience through your writing. Keep up the fantastic work!

    Warm regards,

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